Catalyzer for public-private partnerships in vocational and professional education

Community of Practice Centres of Vocational Excellence

The project leaders of all Erasmus Centers of Vocational Excellence have joined forces in the CoVE Community of Practice. In this community the project leaders share experiences, inspire each other and jointly try to find solutions for common issues they encounter while implementing the Centers of Vocational Excellence. By doing so, the project leaders are supporting each other and no one has to reinvent the wheel. The CoVE Community of Practice is a bottom up initiative by and for the CoVE project leaders and participation is voluntary. Furthermore, the Community of Practice is working closely with other stakeholders and policy makers in the field of VET and higher education.
The CoVE Community of Practice is more than happy to welcome project leaders of future Erasmus Centers of Vocational Excellence in their midst and to share experiences of the existing CoVEs. The project leaders aim to meet once a year face to face during the Forum on Vocational Excellence and have monthly online thematic discussions, based on the needs of the project leaders. The Community of Practice is independent and self-sustaining, based on the voluntary contributions of its members.


Use our network and matchmaking tool to build relationships with new partners in your field. The pink markers indicate already existing Erasmus Centers of Vocational Excellence, blue markers are national CoVE initiatives, the grey markers are organisations looking for potential partners. How does it work?

Contact our experts

If you are looking for a peer who is also working on public private partnerships in education or for an expert on how to implement our various free tools, contact our team or visit the network map to find the contact details of each CoVE.


Throughout the year, there are various meetings where you can meet experts in public-private-partnerships in education and Centers of Vocational Excellence. Check out which activities are relevant to you and join the conversation

Tools & publications

Why reinvent the wheel if you can built upon the knowledge and experience of others? Please feel free to use our knowledge, free tools and building blocks for public private partnerships.

Map Community of Practice Centres of Vocational Excellence