ETF Support services to build vocational excellence

We get together during the Forum of Vocational Excellence to learn more about the different initiatives on vocational excellence, to learn from each other and to find potential partners for future initiatives. Through the project ‘Internationalising Vocational Excellence’, supported by the European Union, the European Training Foundation joined forces with the major stakeholders’ representatives to develop support services for Vocational Excellence. 
During this session we will present the support services that are already available and the services that are currently being developed. The services are targeting both existing centres of vocational excellence as well as centres aspiring to become one.  

In particular, we will present the following services:
-    The international self-assessment tool for Centres of Vocational Excellences (ISATCOVE)
-    The Cookbook on Vocational Excellence
-    The e-library on Vocational Excellence
-    Knowledge packages in priority areas
-    Recognition of Vocational Excellence
-    Coaching services

We will use the session to receive feedback and suggestions from the audience to ensure that the future services will address the needs of centres interested in further enhancing their vocational excellence. 

Practical information

Date: Wednesday 11 September
Time: 4pm-5pm
Location: Zone 2


-    Georgios Zisimos (ETF)
-    Doriana Monteleone (ETF)
-    Jolien van Uden (ETF)