How to involve companies in CoVE projects, regardless of their size and sector

MOSAIC and Auto-CoVE target 2 very different sectors: arts & crafts VS automotive. Both projects have strong expectations when it comes to the involvement of companies in the project. And yet, they involve very different types of companies, from self-employed artisans in MOSAIC to multinational companies in Auto-CoVE. In addition to being a primary source of information when it comes to conducting skill gap analyses, they provide their expertise on development tasks, and can host learners and teachers for mobilities within their companies. They are a strong driver to implement innovative teaching methods such as hackathons, due to their natural competitiveness.

In this workshop, our goal is to have a glimpse of the different kinds of contributions company representatives can add to a CoVE project, that will be different according to their size and their sector.

Practical Information

Date: Wednesday 11 September
Time: 16h00 - 17h00
Location: Zone 1


Elina Kollanus – Omnia  AutoCoVE 2.0
Cécile Aillerie – SEPR MOSAIC
Dimitri Ogg – Electude AutoCoVE 2.0
Timothy Duperon – Valserain MOSAIC
Chiara Riondino - European Commission, DG Employment