New Erasmus+ programme has started!
European Commission #Funding opportunities #Scale up #News #Erasmus
First calls 2021 published
The European Commission has adopted the annual work programme for “Erasmus+”. By this means, the new EU-education programme 2021-2027 has kicked-off. The Programme Guide 2021 and the first calls for proposals for this year are also published. The outcome confirmes a budget of 26,2 milliard euros (in current prices) for the new programme. Besides, an extra 2,2 milliard euros has been reserved from the financial means for external actions of the EU. With a significantly higher budget – compared to the 14,7 milliard euros available for the programme 2014-2020 – the Erasmus+ has been elaborated and improved. Given the general satisfaction about the Erasmus+, no other big changes are expected towards the previous programme.
How is the budget distributed?
Roughly 70% of the budget is destined to learning mobility (adult education is also part of learning mobility in the new programme). In percentage terms the share in the educational systems will remain more or less the same, but with a bigger overall budget, the programme still tries to reach more students. The other 30% of the budget is destined to transboundary cooperation in all educational systems, also including two of the new initiatives of the programme: The European Universities and the Centres of Vocational Excellence. These will find a full rollout in the programme period of seven years. The Centers of Vocational Excellence arrangement is interesting for PPP’s wishing to scale-up. In the last years, among others the Platform of Vocational Excellence Water and the European Platform for Urban Greening have gained experience in the pilot phase of the programme.
An inclusive, green, and digital programme
In line with the spearheads of achieving the European Education Area by 2025, the Digital Education Action Plan, and the European Green Deal, the programme is focused on inclusivity and diversity, and green and digital transitions. To improve inclusivity, a model is introduced for new, small-scale partnerships, to welcome newcomers and to restrain administrative burdens for this group. New Blended Intensive Programmes are going to combine digital learning with short mobility periods abroad. The rollout of the European Student Card simplifies applications for scholarships, by providing the application online. The focus on digital skills will also be provided by facilitate internships in the digital sector. To stimulate green traveling, students can claim a top-up when they choose for a sustainable mode of transport. These three themes will also be prioritized in the project proposals.
More information about the recent developments in Brussel on the subject of education and research can be found on the website of the European Commission.