Building block Professional Innovation
#Innovation #Building blocks
Many public-private partnerships (PPPs) want to stimulate and drive company innovation in their region. They create learning communities that are not only focused on education but aim to provide solutions that can actually be implemented by the companies. Innovation is highly stimulated in these communities. Learning communities can also be considered as an informal form of lifelong education (see the lifelong learning building block).
What’s it all about?
- Stimulate and drive company innovation in the region.
- Create innovation workplaces that act as incubators for product, process, and service innovation.
What happens next?
- Companies propose innovation issues around certain themes which students, teachers, experts, business developers, and company employees work on, for example, in communities of practice.
- These communities are not only focused on education, but aim to provide solutions that can actually be implemented in companies.
- These communities can also be considered an informal form of lifelong learning, as interaction creates mutual learning effects.
What kinds of partners are required?
- Educational institution with sufficient research skills, teacher professionalization, and new positions like business developers and project managers.
- In universities of applied sciences mostly through lectureships, in higher vocational education through labs and labs and in cooperation with universities of applied sciences.
What kinds of agreements do you need to make?
- Agreements about a steady flow of assignments from the professional partners around which the education curriculum is built.
- Agreements about the results: is it a result obligation that may require payment and a quality guarantee, or an effort obligation where it is primarily about the learning experience for the students?
Where can I find a good example?
- Topcenter E-Commerce: digital workplace
- EnTranCe, TechForFuture: innovation for and with SMEs
- Chemelot Innovation and Living Labs: Communities for Development; help with technical questions in labs